How Undiagnosed Depression in Adolescents can Impact Their School Performance

Teenagers who suffer from undiagnosed depression may find it difficult to do well on school exams, which may result in more difficult academic situations. Problems with focus, memory, and decision-making—essential cognitive abilities needed for taking tests—are common signs of depression. Depression in adolescents can make it difficult for them to concentrate, remember content, and control their exam-related stress. Students with undiagnosed depression frequently do worse academically, especially in assessment scenarios that call for prolonged attention and cognitive engagement, according to a 2019 study published in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

In addition, depression is often linked to exhaustion, insomnia, and low energy, all of which can make it more difficult for students to study for and pass exams. Research published in the Journal of School Psychology (2020) indicates that teenagers who suffer from depression are more likely to have sleep issues, and that these issues are directly related to decreased test scores and worse academic achievement. These students may find it challenging to completely engage with their academics due to their lack of sleep and ongoing weariness, which can set off a vicious cycle of low performance and growing sentiments of hopelessness or frustration.

Furthermore, undetected depression’s emotional and psychological costs can increase exam anxiety, which makes performance problems worse. According to a study published in Frontiers in Psychology in 2021, adolescents with untreated depression frequently experience high anxiety before exams. This incapacity to effectively manage stress can lead to worse test scores. Academic achievement faces significant obstacles when anxiety and depression’s cognitive deficits are coupled.

At Caliper Wellness, we have professionals that are trained to recognize the subtle signs of depression that may be overlooked, such as persistent sadness, irritability, withdrawal from social activities, and academic decline.  Caliper Wellness strives to help adolescents manage their mental health concerns related to returning to a new school year and the different complexities that they may face on a day-to-day basis.  Helping adolescents to understand their feelings, providing an accurate diagnosis, and offering therapeutic and medication management regimens are all part of the collaborative care that Caliper Wellness offers. Our goal is to help these students and enhance their academic performance through early identification and intervention.


  1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. (2019). Impact of Depression on Academic Performance in Adolescents.
  2. Journal of School Psychology. (2020). The Role of Sleep in the Academic Performance of Depressed Adolescents.
  3. Frontiers in Psychology. (2021). Test Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents: A Correlational Study.

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